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Virtually every business, institution and public entity depends on equipment to keep operations going and income flowing.  Today, equipment breakdown is a more common and  greater risk.  Most equipment now contains sensitive and fragile technology that is easily damaged.  More equipment is mission critical so breakdowns bring operations – and income – to a halt.  And increased system complexity and interdependency mean a breakdown elsewhere can impact you.Yet standard property insurance excludes the risks unique to equipment.  All businesses need equipment breakdown insurance, review the following to learn more.

Equipment breakdown (formerly called “boiler and machinery”) insurance covers many types of equipment.  Click on Understanding Equipment Breakdown Insurance for a quick overview of the primary types of equipment and risks covered by equipment breakdown insurance.

For an at-a-glance guide to equipment exposures for different types of businesses click HSB IQ Equipment Exposures.

HSB’s equipment breakdown insurance covers much more than standard “boiler and machinery” policies.  Read Coverage Components for a concise overview of equipment breakdown insurance.

Equipment is changing.  So are the risks.  Click on Changing Equipment Risks to review the  reasons why equipment breakdown insurance is now essential to every business.

As a part of our equipment breakdown insurance, HSB provides inspection services for boilers and pressure vessels as required by state or local jurisdictions.

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